Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock Types

Metamorphic: Under  grcund   by heat   and pressure heart.
Magma: it when something selid metled rock inside carth.
Lava: the molten,fluid   rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic  vent.
Solidification: it's when  melted rock furas into haid  rock
Igneous rock: Formation of minerols caused be process.
Weathering: Wear away or change the appearance or texture of something by long  exposure to the atmosphere.
Erosion:  Process in which surface and    trans   porkd from one place to another by agents such.
sediment: Loose  matecials that have  been move by wind,water,ice  or gravity
Compaction: an increase in the density of something
Cementation:   sedimentary rock forming  processin which sediment grains are held together.
Sedimentary rock: Fromed from consolidated clay   sediments.

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Extrusive                                                                   Biodastic


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